What is Revival from the Bible?
Read with us!
For the 2025 Revival from the Bible Reading Plan click here
Welcome to Revival from the Bible - a daily devotional podcast and reading plan designed to help more people get into God’s Word and get more out of the Word.
There is simply no book like the Bible. Not one other book exists in this world that can rightly claim to be the very Word of God. In the pages of the Scriptures, God has revealed Himself to us. He tells us what He is like, explains how we can be reconciled to Him, and shows us how to live. There is no book more worthy of reading and study than this one.
One special benefit of reading the Bible is revival. Psalm 19:7 says, “The law of the Lord is perfect; reviving the soul.” Revival means “an awakening, an improvement, a renewal of strength, or a breath of fresh air.” God’s Word brings this revival in an ultimate sense by awakening people to the reality of their sin and the good news of a Savior. It also brings fresh, renewed life to God’s people on a daily basis as they read it.
Doesn’t that sound nice? Wouldn’t you like to experience refreshment on this level every single day? I would like to be one voice testifying that this daily revival from the Bible is possible. The idea that God’s law can revive the soul is not false advertising; it can be the consistent reality of your life!
However, that doesn’t mean revival from the Bible will be easy. Reading through the Bible and experiencing it in this way takes work. It will require discipline to stay on task in a world full of distractions. It will also require study and explanation–it’s hard to be revived by what you don’t understand!
That’s exactly where I hope Revival from the Bible can help. I hope this plan and community will help you get more into God’s Word and that the daily podcast and other resources will help you get more out of the Word so that you can experience revival from the Bible on a regular basis.
We plan to use the same reading plan in 2020 and 2021. It will include daily readings from the Old Testament, Psalms, a Gospel, and New Testament at a pace that will get us through the entire Bible in a year. In 2025, the podcast will focus on different portions. We would love for you to join us in reading through the Bible in 2025, but you can also choose to go at your own pace with the audio commentary through the Old or New Testaments.
Whether you are new to reading the Bible or have read it many times, I can’t wait for all that we will see and discover in God’s Word this year! Let’s go!